I wrote a blog recently about a strain of marijuana called cannabidiol, or “Charlotte’s Web,” a strain of marijuana with virtually no THC, the substance which “gets you high.” It is a true “medicine” that is being touted by epileptic believers as a new miracle source of relief. (You can read that blog here: https://fallingdownfunny.com/2014/01/28/give-us-our-medicine/.) I received many emails from people who told me that they would support legalization of medical marijuana but they want to see more research done. What these people clearly fail to appreciate is that current laws in the United States prohibit exactly that. As long as marijuana is a “schedule one” drug, research is next to impossible. And politicians know this fact...
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Mar Category: blogging about blogging, charlotte's web, congressman on marijuana, Don Abrams, Earl Blumenguer, Falling Down Funny Book, Governor John Hickenlooper, Governor on Marijuana, John Hickenlooper, John McCain on marijuana, Kevin Sabet, marijuana research, Mark Hawkins, no THC, Patrick Kennedy, Patrick Kennedy on marijuana, Seizures, senator on marijuana, Uncategorized